Rajamouli one of the top directors in indian cinema currently, is in the top position right now. His upcoming film with Mahesh babu an “African action adventure” going to begin the shoot from mid next year.
In the meantime; recently rajamouli announced a biopic regarding FATHER OF INDIAN CINEMA directed by Nitin Kakkar. Produced by Varun Gupta, SS Karthikeya and presented by SS Rajamouli. The biopic is about Dadasaheb Phalke ( Producer, director, screenwriter); his debut film Raja Harishchandr was the first Indian movie released in 1913. It’s known as the India’s first full-length feature film, he contributed 95 films, 27 short films in his 19 years of career.
A south indian actor will be picked for this biopic; none of the actors aren’t finalized till now. There is a long way to go for this most pretegious project ever for the FATHER OF INDIAN CINEMA.