Atlee made his entry in bollywood with Shah Rukh Khan titled Jawan in 2023; and scored a huge blockbuster, collecting over 1000+croes. Atlee’s bollywood debut grabbed huge attention with Jawan and it was successful; also collaborated with Murad Khetani for his next film as a producer.
Atlee producing a film in bollywood; which is a Remake of his own film “THERI” with Stars; Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh and Wamiqa Gabbi untitled as VD18 directed by Kalees. While the project has already begun shooting in progress and Atlee chose Tollywood Music director Thaman to score music for his film and it’s going to be a full-fledged album by thaman not just one or two songs including a background score. Generally in bollywood culture especially in the music department; there will be several music composers working on a single film it could be songs, or BGM. In the past also Thaman got a few offers from bollywood; but he rejected them due to this kind of rules and culture (he’s not comfortable working like that) but finaly he got an offer with complete control on the music department and in cinemas from 31st May 2024.