Home Hollywood DC – Blue Beetle Post Credit Scenes Update.

DC – Blue Beetle Post Credit Scenes Update.

by Sivakumar

DC: currently trying very hard to bring the glowry back. Recently; Entire DC was rebooted with THE FLASH movie 2023 to setup a solid basement for their entire upcoming projects with new cast.

And the first movie from DC after the reboot; Blue Beetle releases in cinemas on 18th Aug. Meanwhile; you will be seeing two post-credit scenes in the movie.

Till now the content which was out is promising & need to see; if DC going to make the first huge success or not.

Dont’ miss the post-credit scenes.

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1 comment

B S K Monday, 7 August 2023, 12:33 pm - 12:33 pm

😲 Chudali Mawa..ne review tharuvatha veltha movie ke…


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