Home Others Eagle Squad is Introduced by Telangana.

Eagle Squad is Introduced by Telangana.

by Harsha Gogisetty

To combat the menace posed by rogue drones, the Telangana Police have taken an unprecedented step by forming an eagle squad. The Internal Security Wing (ISW); a highly specialist police unit in charge of managing VVIP security in the state, is the group that uses this creative strategy.

The eagle squad has been trained for over three years, and in a recent performance in front of top police authorities; the birds were able to effectively bring down drones.

The Integrated Intelligence Training Academy (IITA) in Moinabad: Hyderabad hosted the demonstration; which highlighted the eagles’ accuracy and capacity to identify and eradicate drones before they can do any harm.

The Eagle Squad is designed to give an extra degree of security; to high-profile events like public meetings and VVIP visits. The security and anonymity of people gathered are guaranteed by the trained eagles; precise reconnaissance and demolition of drones.

When it comes to thwarting drone threats: the Telangana Police’s Eagle Squad is the best in both India and the globe, second only to the Netherlands. The two eagles; who are not older than two years old; are trained to keep an eye on commodities, and one of them has a surveillance camera affixed on it.

So that it can take sharp photos; the eagle team trains for an hour every day, which accounts for their high success record in slamming an end to dissident drones.

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