Legends of Hanuman; is one of the best-animated series from Hostar. Shows our ancient history of Ramayana exactly, how it needs to be with all the characters not even missing a single one.
Not only showing all the characters; but also telling how much importance and depth of the characters. You all know, that Ramayana is not a small story to finish in a movie format; that’s why Hotstar came forward with ‘the series’ and slowly took us to the ancient history with spectacular storytelling.
Till now hotstar released two seasons with multiple audios ( hindi, telugu, kannada, malayalam, tamil, Bengali and marathi); and we are all waiting for the third season, because season two ended with curiosity. whereas; lord rama, Lakshmana and hanuman along with Vanarasena are in front of Ravana Lanka to attack. And the wait is over finally; Legends of Hanuman Season 3 is coming in January Month 2024 with multiple audios, if you haven’t seen it yet you just missed one of the best animated of our Ancient histories.