Home Others Bigg Boss 7 Telugu 2nd Week Elimination.

Bigg Boss 7 Telugu 2nd Week Elimination.

by Sivakumar

Bigg boss 7 telugu; the last week day 11 and day 12 was at the worst max for the few contestants. Especially Rathika, Gowtham Krishna and task between two team for power asthra.

Rathika showed, his 2nd face two times in the house. She never mentioned ( shobitha and Yawar to give the opportunity) but always kept telling i’ve mentioned their names. And portraying a sympathy game b/w them and disrespecting their team & calling baffoons.

And gowtham krishna behavior was at worst with Yawar, showing sign of injection (you had “steroid” for the body bulk ) when they were arguing. But in the end; gowtham krishna never mention a clear point why he was taken from yawar and given to sivaji (why he is not deserved ).

In the meantime 2nd week came to an end; Shakila was eliminated this weekend. But she was at her best in the house; nothing was done any wrong like (unnecessary conversations, fights with teammates or vulgar language). At the end of the day, it’s all up to the audience if they were entertained with the housemates they will saved.

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Swapna Wednesday, 20 September 2023, 11:29 am - 11:29 am



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