In tollywood Ram Charan is one of the actors, having a rock-solid lineup with different genres. His current upcoming film Game Changer directed by Shankar almost shoot going on for 2 years came to an end Finally within 2 months entire shooting will be completed. Aiming to release in September 2024 “Ganesh Festival” directed by Shankar, music by Thaman produced by Dil Raju.
Later finishing Game Changer Ram Charan Collaborated with Uppena Director Buchi Babu, untitled as RC16 music by AR Rahman; already music works in progress. Ram Charan will be seeing in a completely new avatar with the bulk body a raw and rustic character, therefore; for an important role director Buchi Babu casted Kannada Actor “Shiva Raj Kumar” in this film. As per the production house plans the shooting will be started from March or April, that too if Game Changer shooting is completed by then.